
Monday, February 8, 2010

Central Hub

Manhatta - Central Hub

The central Hub is located at the centre of Manhatta, and is responsible as being the main transportation centre as well as housing the government in Manhatta. The entire population passes through this hub everyday to go to work places, restaurants, and more. This is the first major stop for anybody visiting Manhatta.

As for being the centre for transportation, anybody can travel to any destination in Manhatta within 10 minutes of the Central Hub. It has multiple streetcar and subway lines leading to and passing through it. There are four subway lines and one street car line that pass through it, providing instant transportation wherever you are in the city. A dedicated cargo subway line existed for transporting goods and produce to various places throughout the city.

International cargo shipping are directed to the Manhatta harbour, east of the bridge and in proximity to the airport. Manhatta is a prime research and development centre, and new technologies are its main export. Nothing much is imported in as the city Is entirely self-sustainable, but cruise ships can take up temporary refuge in the harbour. Recreational shipping is also widely encourage, and there exists a central canal that leads straight the Central Hub, where the inhabitants can sail with boats from a local marina.

The base of the Central Hub is 200m in diameter, and stands 200m tall. It is supported my 6 struts. Within each of these struts are two elevators for commuters to travel up into the hub where there are restaurants and shops on the first floor, a public library on the second, the public transit control centre on the third floor, and government offices on the fourth and final floor.

At the centre of the four concentric rings that make up the Central Hub are terraces which a person can see a fabulous view across the rings and the full structure of the hub. At the base of each strut are street car and subway stops. Beneath the massive hub is a giant courtyard where commuters can relax and enjoy the surrounding environment amongst the midst of rushed travellers. 

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