Lately, I've been incredibly bored, so after searching the web for things to do, I rekindled my old Photoshop self and decided to mess around. And then I walked into a wall. Like, a good kind of wall, that didn't really stop you, the kind that allowed you to walk up it and achieve a higher meaning. I know that doesn't really make a lot of sense to you, it doesn't make much sense to me either.
Anyways, the wall we're talking about is Psdtuts. For those who don't know, this isn't some horribly misspelled wording of "pyramids" and "Tutankhamun", Psdtuts in fact makes a lot of sense to people who are familiar with Photoshop. "Psd" is the standard universal file format for Photoshop (.psd), and "tuts", is, well, most people will have the good fortune of guessing "tutorials", which of course is, correct.
I chanced upon this cool "Futuristic Button" tutorial, and I tried it out, with a slightly different result than the actual tutorial, since I never like following tutorials word by word and ending up with the same result. I feel cheated and I have the feeling I just copied somebody. But in the end, I ended up with this:
I wasn't completely satisfied with that result though, so I decided to make another, more organic-looking one from scratch by myself, which resulted in this:
And today, I decided to learn more about designing realistic interfaces and buttons/objects, which I consulted another Psdtuts tutorial. I once again changed my end result, somewhat more dramatically than what I did with my first first button. My end result was this:
Now I'm no professional site reviewer, but if you have Photoshop, and you're interested in learning more about what you can truly do with in, visit Psdtuts, here at: You won't regret it.